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Benton Franklin Workforce Development Council


The Benton-Franklin Workforce Development Council (BFWDC) is the convener of regional workforce development efforts, with a PY22 Operating Budget of over $5.1 million in grants, including Title I of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) and State Grants from the Department of Commerce and the Employment Security Department. The BFWDC is responsible for funding, coordinating, and overseeing the activities and programs of the local One-Stop Center, WorkSource Columbia Basin, as well as services to Youth and Young Adults at TC Futures. The Benton-Franklin Workforce Consortium (BFWC) is comprised of Career Path Services (WIOA Title 1), Columbia Basin College (WIOA Title 2), Employment Security Department (WIOA Title 3), and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (WIOA Title 4), and provides leadership of the One-Stop Center as our One-Stop Operator. Together, BFWC and the BFWDC Board and Staff are committed to creating a workforce system that excels in providing support to local businesses, workers and job seekers, and continuously drives community prosperity. With a network of regional partnerships with businesses and other organizations, the BFWDC acts as a hub for gathering and disseminating information regarding business and employment needs and opportunities, local labor market data, and workforce trends.

815 N Kellogg Street, Suite C, Kennewick, WA 99336

(509) 734-5996

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